Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Update #1

I started this little ditty a while ago but never kept up with it then got to realizing the other day that this could be a rather effective way to pass along information about us at your own pace. I can put up as much or as little as I like without worrying about bothering anyone by filling up your email boxes.
Things are quite crazy right now as we are preparing to make some major decisions for the next year or so of our family's life. Phil will be heading to Virginia next week for what will probably be a rather grueling week of tests and interviews, working and PT-ing (physical training). I will be finishing up my first course of wilton decorating which was a lot of fun. The boys will still be growing and learning and mostly loving life (until Mommy says no cupcake until tomorrow). Please be praying that we make a decision that is good for all 4 of us in the long run. Keep checking on here for more updates! I'll try to put up some pictures as well in the future as the boys go about life having fun.

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