Yesterday this little beauty showed up on the sign in our front yard. Even though the deal we got was by no means what we had hoped for, we're definitely starting to see it as a God thing that it is all happening at once. With that in mind, though, there is a lot to take care of in the very short future. That fact is what bring us to today.
We had a group of friends show up today to help us finish up the projects we have to get done on the house. We didn't get it all done, but made a huge amount of progress! Well, actually... they did.
In the meanwhile, Joshua is still excelling at learning to spell and read! Today when I was getting dinner ready, he asked me to help him find a letter "e" so he could spell the word "bike." I'm so stinkin' proud of him! Looking forward to Jeremiah being more verbal so we can enjoy some conversation as well. He's still learning more everyday. He just can't communicate it as well as Josh yet. It won't be long, though.