Monday, November 9, 2009

Colonial Williamsburg, Part 1

This weekend during the brief time we had with Phil, we took advantage of the free weekend for military at Colonial Williamsburg. The boys and I have made an entire project out of it and have been reading, listening to music and using recipes from colonial times before we ever went. I'm pretty sure they only half understand it all, but it was fun anyway. It's a beautiful time of year to visit there.
This was the fife and drums band. The boys really liked this part. What boy wouldn't like a whole bunch of boys walking together and banging a drum?
Their garden there still had things growing and for some reason the boys took particular interest in this. This is Josh walking with his composition book holding Daddy's hand. He brought some questions with him to ask there.

On our way back to the car we found a particularly friendly horse. The boys got a big kick out of him and the woman who was asking Joshua if he swam there (since in that time there would have been no car or bridges to get him there from Virginia Beach).

Daddy is back off to work again. We'll see him soon enough. In the mean time, we have a couple more adventures to do to help pass the time.

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