Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Finally the Zoo!!

I've tried several times to get to the zoo here. Something always gets in the way. Time, money, weather...
This week we finally made it! The weather was perfect. We could not have possibly picked a better day to go. Our friend and my co-ombudsman, Adri, came with us. It was so nice to have the company!
The boys absolutely adore Adri. Can you tell?
This is Billy the giraffe. I'm pretty sure he's sticking his tongue out because the boys would not stop hollering at him "HELLO BILLY!!!"

Jeremiah was looking forward to the seeing the elephants. I was tickled by this one. Fortunately, there were others to see and he did come out eventually.

Josh could have picked a better place to sit, I think. Some things you just need to learn the hard way, I suppose.
Yes. They are wild and crazy and unpredictable at times. For example, Jeremiah... who for some reason didn't really want to come out of the cage.
The boys are getting so much bigger. With a bit of a struggle, both of them managed to get up on this thing. I'm constantly amazed at the things they've figured out how to do.
These little monkey's were so much fun. And by that, I mean the boys. They were great at the zoo. I'm so glad we got to get out in the sunshine again. All that rain made all 3 of us a little crazy.

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