Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Eve

I don't know what it is about Christmas Eve night that has such significance for me. Doing the same thing year after year has an affect on a person, I suppose. Every year we had a candlelight service.

Something about coming together as a church family to start off such a major holiday... drawing the focus in on where it belongs. It's about Jesus and what he's done before it's about Santa and what he might bring.

Whatever it is that makes it feel so special to me, I love being able to pass this along to the boys. This year, I'm especially grateful we were able to celebrate with a church that is quickly becoming a real family for us here. It feels like it took a long time after this move to find it, but we've finally found the right one for us.

So now that Christmas is behind us and we're looking toward the beginning of a new year, I just wanted to take time to verbalize a thank you to God that we've found a place that feels like home.
Hope you all had a great Christmas and find much to look forward to in this new year!

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