Friday, January 9, 2009

This is what I really needed today. I'm one chapter away from finishing the 2nd military wife book that Phil got me for mother's day last year. It has been a very helpful book with advice and ideas on how to still get the life you want even when dealing with the unique lifestyle of the military family. Part of it has been discouraging, though. It has made me remember all at one time the frequent moves, the unique places we get stationed, the distance from family, the fact that Phil cannot be at my beckon call when he's also committed to the Navy and so much more.
All these things can be see as positives, trust me. I love trying out new places and learning new cultures. Moving every few years gives me a chance to start over again when a lot of people never leave the town they were born into and have a much more difficult time if they decide to reinvent themselves. Still, even with all this positive thinking, being so fresh off a PCS move, there are a lot of negatives. I have to find a core group of friends for myself all over again every time. Emailing old friends helps, but can only do so much. I have to find people I trust to watch our boys every now and then so I don't lose my mind. I have to re-figure the balance of my entire life with every new job Phil takes on. It's a lot of work.
Phil will be home to visit this weekend, only to have to return to school for several more weeks with no weekends home afterward. I am so grateful for this visit, don't get me wrong. I have just been frustrated lately with how much work this lifestyle requires on my part. I'm okay when that. I knew that going in, but seeing things like this movie trailer help me remember that there is a reason we live this way and that deep down people do appreciate it (even if they do scowl when I'm in the checkout stand with a 5 year old who won't keep his hands to himself and a 2 year old who wants to be everywhere else but the shopping cart.)

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