Friday, November 21, 2008

Welcome to Our Humble Abode

We finally closed on our house today! The little blurry spot is where our address numbers are. Trying to keep things safe. We're down about 400 square feet from our old house, so we'll be consolidating a little. As you can tell, the truck isn't exactly going to fit in the garage. Monday is when our household goods shipment will be delivered and we'll actually be able to start moving in. I'll put up more pictures as we get more settled in. This weekend we'll be setting up Josh's new bed and hopefully picking up our new washer and dryer to take over... and a lot of cleaning so it really feels ready when our stuff arrives.


Kaci said...

Looks awesome! I'm happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

It looks really good compared to that barn next door. LOL. I am sure you will be happy to get settled in again and start unpacking and getting stuff stowed away. What is your kitchen like? Plenty of space for baking I hope. Wish I was there to help, but it just wouldn't work out. I will need your new address so I can get something shipped out to you though. Did Phil get the card for Veteran's Day from the church? Hope so, even though it was going to your friends house. Love you and miss you bunches. Give the boys a hug and kiss from Nana and Papa.

Ginger said...

What a lot of work, going through this move. And you've stayed cheery throughout. Blessings for your settling-in this weekend.

And P.S. It looks like a cute house!